
Letterard (Irish: Leitreach Árd) is a townland located in the parish of Moyrus or Carna, Connemara on the West Coast of the Republic of Ireland. It is located in County Galway. To the west of Letterard is Bertrabhoy Bay. Across the bay from Letterard is Roundstone. The word Letterard itself means high area which is noteworthy as the townland is located on an elevated area on the peninsula. Bordering the Bay area is a cliff on called Áill Dá Bhinn. This translates to the cliff with the two peaks.


Letterard (Irish: Leitreach Árd) is a townland located in the parish of Moyrus or Carna, Connemara on the West Coast of the Republic of Ireland. It is located in County Galway. To the west of Letterard is Bertrabhoy Bay. Across the bay from Letterard is Roundstone. The word Letterard itself means high area which is noteworthy as the townland is located on an elevated area on the peninsula. Bordering the Bay area is a cliff on called Áill Dá Bhinn. This translates to the cliff with the two peaks.