Lev Levin

Lev Grigorevich Levin (Russian: Лев Григорьевич Левин), real name Usher Gershevich Leib Levin (Russian: Ушер-Лейб Гершевич Левин); 1870, Odessa — March 15, 1938, Moscow) was a physician, the doctor of medical sciences, professor, consultant medical and sanitary control of the Kremlin.

Lev Levin

Lev Grigorevich Levin (Russian: Лев Григорьевич Левин), real name Usher Gershevich Leib Levin (Russian: Ушер-Лейб Гершевич Левин); 1870, Odessa — March 15, 1938, Moscow) was a physician, the doctor of medical sciences, professor, consultant medical and sanitary control of the Kremlin.