Leva del biberón

The "Leva del Biberón" (also known as the "quinta del Biberón ", baby bottle in spanish) was the name given to the levies of 1938 and 1939 throughout the territory that republican Spain still controlled during the last years of the Spanish civil war, with boys aged from 14 to 18. Mobilized by order of the President of the Second Spanish Republic, Manuel Azaña, at the end of April 1938. At that time, Franco's troops had attacked Lleida, Gandesa, Balaguer, Tremp and Camarasa and were taking control of the last points of republican resistance.

Leva del biberón

The "Leva del Biberón" (also known as the "quinta del Biberón ", baby bottle in spanish) was the name given to the levies of 1938 and 1939 throughout the territory that republican Spain still controlled during the last years of the Spanish civil war, with boys aged from 14 to 18. Mobilized by order of the President of the Second Spanish Republic, Manuel Azaña, at the end of April 1938. At that time, Franco's troops had attacked Lleida, Gandesa, Balaguer, Tremp and Camarasa and were taking control of the last points of republican resistance.