Levantine Arabic Sign Language

Levantine Arabic Sign Language, also known as Syro-Palestinian Sign Language, is the deaf sign language of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. Although there are significant differences in vocabulary between the four states, this is not much greater than regional differences within the states, their grammar is quite uniform, and mutual intelligibility is high, indicating that they are dialects of a single language (Hendriks 2008). The language typically goes by the name of the country, as so:

Levantine Arabic Sign Language

Levantine Arabic Sign Language, also known as Syro-Palestinian Sign Language, is the deaf sign language of Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. Although there are significant differences in vocabulary between the four states, this is not much greater than regional differences within the states, their grammar is quite uniform, and mutual intelligibility is high, indicating that they are dialects of a single language (Hendriks 2008). The language typically goes by the name of the country, as so: