Li Zitong

Li Zitong (died 622 CE) was an agrarian leader who claimed the title of emperor in the aftermaths of the death of Emperor Yang of Sui at the hands of the general Yuwen Huaji in 618. After Yuwen vacated the city of Jiangdu (江都, in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu), the region was in a state of confusion and, in 619, Li captured Jiangdu and declared a new state of Wu. In 620, he was defeated by the Tang Dynasty general Li Fuwei and he headed south, defeating another rebel leader, Shen Faxing King of Liang and seizing Shen's territory (roughly, modern Zhejiang). In 621, however, Li Fuwei attacked him again and forced his surrender. He was taken to the Tang capital at Chang'an but was spared by Emperor Gaozu. In 622, believing that he could try to re-establish his state, he fled from Chang'an. He was

Li Zitong

Li Zitong (died 622 CE) was an agrarian leader who claimed the title of emperor in the aftermaths of the death of Emperor Yang of Sui at the hands of the general Yuwen Huaji in 618. After Yuwen vacated the city of Jiangdu (江都, in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu), the region was in a state of confusion and, in 619, Li captured Jiangdu and declared a new state of Wu. In 620, he was defeated by the Tang Dynasty general Li Fuwei and he headed south, defeating another rebel leader, Shen Faxing King of Liang and seizing Shen's territory (roughly, modern Zhejiang). In 621, however, Li Fuwei attacked him again and forced his surrender. He was taken to the Tang capital at Chang'an but was spared by Emperor Gaozu. In 622, believing that he could try to re-establish his state, he fled from Chang'an. He was