
Liestal (Alemannic German: [ˈliə̯ʃd̥l̩], Standard German: [ˈliːstal]), formerly spelled Liesthal, is the capital of Liestal District and the canton of Basel-Landschaft in Switzerland, 17 km (11 mi) south of Basel. Liestal is an industrial town with a cobbled-street Old Town. The official language of Liestal is (the Swiss variety of Standard) German, but the main spoken language is the local variant of the Alemannic Swiss German dialect.


Liestal (Alemannic German: [ˈliə̯ʃd̥l̩], Standard German: [ˈliːstal]), formerly spelled Liesthal, is the capital of Liestal District and the canton of Basel-Landschaft in Switzerland, 17 km (11 mi) south of Basel. Liestal is an industrial town with a cobbled-street Old Town. The official language of Liestal is (the Swiss variety of Standard) German, but the main spoken language is the local variant of the Alemannic Swiss German dialect.