Life-process model of addiction

[someone fix references, doi links] The life-process model of addiction is the view that addiction is not a disease but rather a habitual response and a source of gratification and security that can be understood only in the context of social relationships and experiences. This model of addiction is in opposition to the disease model of addiction. It was originated and advocated by Stanton Peele. [insert reference The Truth About Addiction and Recovery] Proponents of the life-process model argue that unitary biological mechanisms cannot account for addictive behavior and thus do not support using the term disease. They instead emphasize the individual's ability to overcome addiction by augmenting life options and coping mechanics, pursuing values and purpose, repairing relationships, and e

Life-process model of addiction

[someone fix references, doi links] The life-process model of addiction is the view that addiction is not a disease but rather a habitual response and a source of gratification and security that can be understood only in the context of social relationships and experiences. This model of addiction is in opposition to the disease model of addiction. It was originated and advocated by Stanton Peele. [insert reference The Truth About Addiction and Recovery] Proponents of the life-process model argue that unitary biological mechanisms cannot account for addictive behavior and thus do not support using the term disease. They instead emphasize the individual's ability to overcome addiction by augmenting life options and coping mechanics, pursuing values and purpose, repairing relationships, and e