Ligue belge du droit des femmes

The Belgian League for the Rights of Women (French: Ligue belge du droit des femmes) was a political association founded in Belgium in 1892. Established by Marie Popelin and her lawyer Louis Frank, it was created in response to the refusal to allow Popelin, a law graduate, to practice at the Bar. Based on the French Ligue française pour le droit des femmes, it immediately attracted 300 members. The organization was initially concerned with equal rights rather than women's suffrage but prioritized voting rights in 1912.

Ligue belge du droit des femmes

The Belgian League for the Rights of Women (French: Ligue belge du droit des femmes) was a political association founded in Belgium in 1892. Established by Marie Popelin and her lawyer Louis Frank, it was created in response to the refusal to allow Popelin, a law graduate, to practice at the Bar. Based on the French Ligue française pour le droit des femmes, it immediately attracted 300 members. The organization was initially concerned with equal rights rather than women's suffrage but prioritized voting rights in 1912.