Lily Oddie

Lily Oddie (September 27, 1937 – April 6, 2021), formerly known as Lily Munro, was a former provincial politician in Ontario, Canada. She is best known for having been involved in a fundraising scandal involving Patti Starr. Oddie married prominent Liberal politician John Munro on June 27, 1978, and took his surname. John Munro's career would also be undone by scandal in the 1980s, although he was later exonerated of any wrongdoing. The couple would later divorce, at which time Oddie returned to using her original name. Oddie died at St. Peter's Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, on April 6, 2021.

Lily Oddie

Lily Oddie (September 27, 1937 – April 6, 2021), formerly known as Lily Munro, was a former provincial politician in Ontario, Canada. She is best known for having been involved in a fundraising scandal involving Patti Starr. Oddie married prominent Liberal politician John Munro on June 27, 1978, and took his surname. John Munro's career would also be undone by scandal in the 1980s, although he was later exonerated of any wrongdoing. The couple would later divorce, at which time Oddie returned to using her original name. Oddie died at St. Peter's Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, on April 6, 2021.