Linton, Kent

Linton is a village and civil parish in the Maidstone District of Kent, England. The parish is located on the southward slope of the Greensand ridge, south of Maidstone on the A229 Hastings road. The name Linton comes from Old English, probably meaning Lilla's village. The steepness of the hill through it is explained because of its position on the slope of the ridge. The village has a population of about 500. According to the reference quoted below "The 13th century church of St Nicholas contains an interesting and varied collection of monuments, including some by EH Baily, who sculpted the figure of Nelson in Trafalgar Square".

Linton, Kent

Linton is a village and civil parish in the Maidstone District of Kent, England. The parish is located on the southward slope of the Greensand ridge, south of Maidstone on the A229 Hastings road. The name Linton comes from Old English, probably meaning Lilla's village. The steepness of the hill through it is explained because of its position on the slope of the ridge. The village has a population of about 500. According to the reference quoted below "The 13th century church of St Nicholas contains an interesting and varied collection of monuments, including some by EH Baily, who sculpted the figure of Nelson in Trafalgar Square".