Lipeón Formation

The Lipeón Formation is a Telychian to Pridoli geologic formation of southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. The formation comprises sandstones and siltstones. Plant fossils comprising rhyniophytes (specifically Aberlemnia, Steganotheca, Tarrantia, Hostinella and Cooksonia) are scattered throughout, with some abundant concentrations on micaceous bedding plains. The fossil flora is the oldest of South America. Also present were quite diverse small, irregularly branching fragments possibly the tips of algaesuch as or Hungerfordia.

Lipeón Formation

The Lipeón Formation is a Telychian to Pridoli geologic formation of southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. The formation comprises sandstones and siltstones. Plant fossils comprising rhyniophytes (specifically Aberlemnia, Steganotheca, Tarrantia, Hostinella and Cooksonia) are scattered throughout, with some abundant concentrations on micaceous bedding plains. The fossil flora is the oldest of South America. Also present were quite diverse small, irregularly branching fragments possibly the tips of algaesuch as or Hungerfordia.