Lisp reader

In the programming language Lisp, the reader or read function is the parser which converts the textual form of Lisp objects to the corresponding internal object structure. In the original Lisp, S-expressions consisted only of symbols, integers, and the list constructors ( <i>x<sub>i</sub>...</i> ) and (<i>x</i> . <i>y</i>). Later Lisps, culminating in Common Lisp, added literals for floating-point, complex, and rational numbers, strings, and constructors for vectors.

Lisp reader

In the programming language Lisp, the reader or read function is the parser which converts the textual form of Lisp objects to the corresponding internal object structure. In the original Lisp, S-expressions consisted only of symbols, integers, and the list constructors ( <i>x<sub>i</sub>...</i> ) and (<i>x</i> . <i>y</i>). Later Lisps, culminating in Common Lisp, added literals for floating-point, complex, and rational numbers, strings, and constructors for vectors.