List of Australian sports songs

List of Australian sports songs covers songs written specifically about Australian sports, sports people, animals and sporting events. It excludes sports team songs or general songs that are anthems for sports events. For example, the song Down Under by Men at Work became the theme song by the crew of Australia II in their successful bid to win the America's Cup in 1983 is excluded. Mike Brady, Greg Champion and John Williamson have specialised in writing and performing Australian sports songs. Two Australian sporting heroes Sir Donald Bradman and Phar Lap have several songs about them.

List of Australian sports songs

List of Australian sports songs covers songs written specifically about Australian sports, sports people, animals and sporting events. It excludes sports team songs or general songs that are anthems for sports events. For example, the song Down Under by Men at Work became the theme song by the crew of Australia II in their successful bid to win the America's Cup in 1983 is excluded. Mike Brady, Greg Champion and John Williamson have specialised in writing and performing Australian sports songs. Two Australian sporting heroes Sir Donald Bradman and Phar Lap have several songs about them.