List of Hamatora: The Animation episodes

Hamatora: The Animation (ハマトラ The Animation) is a 2014 supernatural, mystery anime series based on the Japanese mixed-media project, Hamatora. In the year 2014, select humans called Minimum Holders have been discovered to possess supernatural abilities. Fellow Minimum Holders—Nice and Murasaki form a detective agency called "Hamatora" based in the Nowhere Café in Yokohama where they prefer to sit around all day with their friends and wait for clients. However when they are approached by the Police Officer, Art for their help in investigating a string of serial murders throughout the city, the duo reluctantly decide to involve themselves in the case when they learn of the murderer's sole target—Minimum Holders.

List of Hamatora: The Animation episodes

Hamatora: The Animation (ハマトラ The Animation) is a 2014 supernatural, mystery anime series based on the Japanese mixed-media project, Hamatora. In the year 2014, select humans called Minimum Holders have been discovered to possess supernatural abilities. Fellow Minimum Holders—Nice and Murasaki form a detective agency called "Hamatora" based in the Nowhere Café in Yokohama where they prefer to sit around all day with their friends and wait for clients. However when they are approached by the Police Officer, Art for their help in investigating a string of serial murders throughout the city, the duo reluctantly decide to involve themselves in the case when they learn of the murderer's sole target—Minimum Holders.