List of Naughty Dog video games

Naughty Dog is an American video game developer that was founded in 1984 by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin. Based in Santa Monica, California, Naughty Dog was originally known as JAM Software until 1989, and began producing games for the Apple II system. Their first release, Math Jam, was an educational game for the system which Gavin and Rubin self-published in 1985. The following year, Jam developed the skiing game Ski Crazed, which was published by Michigan-based company Baudville for the Apple II. The partnership with Baudville continued for Dream Zone, an adventure game released for the Apple IIGS as well as the Amiga and DOS in 1987, before they left to work with Electronic Arts on Keef the Thief and Rings of Power. After a brief hiatus, Way of the Warrior was released for the 3DO in 199

List of Naughty Dog video games

Naughty Dog is an American video game developer that was founded in 1984 by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin. Based in Santa Monica, California, Naughty Dog was originally known as JAM Software until 1989, and began producing games for the Apple II system. Their first release, Math Jam, was an educational game for the system which Gavin and Rubin self-published in 1985. The following year, Jam developed the skiing game Ski Crazed, which was published by Michigan-based company Baudville for the Apple II. The partnership with Baudville continued for Dream Zone, an adventure game released for the Apple IIGS as well as the Amiga and DOS in 1987, before they left to work with Electronic Arts on Keef the Thief and Rings of Power. After a brief hiatus, Way of the Warrior was released for the 3DO in 199