List of North American cities by number of major sports championships

This is a list of cities in the United States and Canada that field or have fielded teams in the five North American major professional sports leagues, showing the number of league championships each city has won. The championships won are recorded for the cities only, not the individual franchises. When a team relocates to a new city, the number of championships won in the prior city remain with that city. Championships counted are only from the dominant league or leagues in each of the four major North American team sports — football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey - as well as soccer.

List of North American cities by number of major sports championships

This is a list of cities in the United States and Canada that field or have fielded teams in the five North American major professional sports leagues, showing the number of league championships each city has won. The championships won are recorded for the cities only, not the individual franchises. When a team relocates to a new city, the number of championships won in the prior city remain with that city. Championships counted are only from the dominant league or leagues in each of the four major North American team sports — football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey - as well as soccer.