List of Sgt. Frog episodes

The episodes of the Sgt. Frog anime series, also known as Sergeant Keroro and originally titled as Keroro Gunso, is a Japanese television series produced and animated by Sunrise Inc. It first began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on April 3, 2004, and has since broadcast over 300 episodes, which are normally constituted from two 15 minutes shorts mostly and sometimes one 30 minutes story. The anime is an adaptation of Mine Yoshizaki's manga series of the same name, which was first serialized in Japan's Shōnen Ace in 1999, and has been toned down for children instead of focusing on teenagers. The anime itself is divided by seasons with a duration of a year (51 episodes per season, one per week except for the first week of January), always starting and ending the first wee

List of Sgt. Frog episodes

The episodes of the Sgt. Frog anime series, also known as Sergeant Keroro and originally titled as Keroro Gunso, is a Japanese television series produced and animated by Sunrise Inc. It first began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on April 3, 2004, and has since broadcast over 300 episodes, which are normally constituted from two 15 minutes shorts mostly and sometimes one 30 minutes story. The anime is an adaptation of Mine Yoshizaki's manga series of the same name, which was first serialized in Japan's Shōnen Ace in 1999, and has been toned down for children instead of focusing on teenagers. The anime itself is divided by seasons with a duration of a year (51 episodes per season, one per week except for the first week of January), always starting and ending the first wee