List of Sora no Manimani episodes

The Sora no Manimani animated television series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Mami Kashiwabara. The episodes, produced by Studio Comet, are directed and written by Shinji Takamatsu, and features character design by Hajime Watanabe who based the designs on Kashiwabara's original concept. The story focuses on Saku Ōyagi, a quiet bookworm who moves back to his old town and meets his childhood friend Mihoshi Akeno, though Saku initially does not want to even see her. After they manage to repair their friendship, Saku joins the astronomy club that Mihoshi is a member of.

List of Sora no Manimani episodes

The Sora no Manimani animated television series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Mami Kashiwabara. The episodes, produced by Studio Comet, are directed and written by Shinji Takamatsu, and features character design by Hajime Watanabe who based the designs on Kashiwabara's original concept. The story focuses on Saku Ōyagi, a quiet bookworm who moves back to his old town and meets his childhood friend Mihoshi Akeno, though Saku initially does not want to even see her. After they manage to repair their friendship, Saku joins the astronomy club that Mihoshi is a member of.