List of V-2 test launches

The list of V-2 test launches identifies World War II launches of the A4 rocket (renamed V-2 in 1944). Test launches were made at Peenemünde Test Stand VII, Blizna and Tuchola Forest using experimental and production rockets fabricated at Peenemünde and at the Mittelwerk. Post-war launches were conducted at Cuxhaven, White Sands Proving Grounds, Cape Canaveral, Kapustin Yar, and on the USS Midway during Operation Sandy.

List of V-2 test launches

The list of V-2 test launches identifies World War II launches of the A4 rocket (renamed V-2 in 1944). Test launches were made at Peenemünde Test Stand VII, Blizna and Tuchola Forest using experimental and production rockets fabricated at Peenemünde and at the Mittelwerk. Post-war launches were conducted at Cuxhaven, White Sands Proving Grounds, Cape Canaveral, Kapustin Yar, and on the USS Midway during Operation Sandy.