List of aerial victories of Adolf Ritter von Tutschek

List of aerial victories of Adolf Ritter von Tutschek(Main article: Adolf Ritter von Tutschek) (See also: Aerial victory standards of World War I) Adolf Ritter von Tutschek (1891-1918) was a German First World War fighter ace credited with 27 confirmed aerial victories. After scoring his first three aerial victories flying combat with Jagdstaffel 2 in early 1917, he transferred to command of another fighter squadron, Jagdstaffel 12. Tutschek shot down another 20 enemy aircraft by 11 August 1917. After recovery from a severe wound, he was promoted to command a fighter wing, Jagdgeschwader II, on 1 February 1918. He scored four more victories there before being killed in action on 15 March 1918.

List of aerial victories of Adolf Ritter von Tutschek

List of aerial victories of Adolf Ritter von Tutschek(Main article: Adolf Ritter von Tutschek) (See also: Aerial victory standards of World War I) Adolf Ritter von Tutschek (1891-1918) was a German First World War fighter ace credited with 27 confirmed aerial victories. After scoring his first three aerial victories flying combat with Jagdstaffel 2 in early 1917, he transferred to command of another fighter squadron, Jagdstaffel 12. Tutschek shot down another 20 enemy aircraft by 11 August 1917. After recovery from a severe wound, he was promoted to command a fighter wing, Jagdgeschwader II, on 1 February 1918. He scored four more victories there before being killed in action on 15 March 1918.