List of ambassadors of the United States to Saudi Arabia

The United States recognized the government of King Ibn Saud in 1931, but it was not until 1939 when it appointed its first U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Bert Fish, then resident in Cairo and ambassador to Egypt. Fish made one trip down to Jeddah in 1940 to meet the King and present his credentials, but it was not until after his mission was terminated that a legation was established there on May 1, 1942. The position has been occupied by John Abizaid since April 10, 2019. He presented his credentials to King Salman on June 16, 2019.

List of ambassadors of the United States to Saudi Arabia

The United States recognized the government of King Ibn Saud in 1931, but it was not until 1939 when it appointed its first U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Bert Fish, then resident in Cairo and ambassador to Egypt. Fish made one trip down to Jeddah in 1940 to meet the King and present his credentials, but it was not until after his mission was terminated that a legation was established there on May 1, 1942. The position has been occupied by John Abizaid since April 10, 2019. He presented his credentials to King Salman on June 16, 2019.