List of artworks commemorating African Americans in Washington, D.C.

Artworks commemorating African-Americans in Washington, D.C. is a group of fourteen public artworks in Washington, D.C., including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial dedicated in 2011, that commemorate African Americans. When describing thirteen of these that predate the King Memorial, Jacqueline Trescott wrote for The Washington Post: In a city crowded with memorials and monuments, few represent the individual struggles of African American pioneers or salute the contributions of black citizens.

List of artworks commemorating African Americans in Washington, D.C.

Artworks commemorating African-Americans in Washington, D.C. is a group of fourteen public artworks in Washington, D.C., including the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial dedicated in 2011, that commemorate African Americans. When describing thirteen of these that predate the King Memorial, Jacqueline Trescott wrote for The Washington Post: In a city crowded with memorials and monuments, few represent the individual struggles of African American pioneers or salute the contributions of black citizens.