List of compositions by Erkki Melartin

This is a comprehensive list of compositions by Erkki Melartin. The works have been listed systematically. Within each group there are first works with opus number and then the works with an EM code. All the works with opus number have been published, if not specified otherwise. Most of the works with code EM are unpublished, and only the publishing information has been given. All information is based on the newest work catalog (December 2016). The work catalog is based on the archival material and manuscripts in several Finnish libraries and music archives (The National Library, The Library of Sibelius Academy, The library and archive of Sibelius Museum in Turku, the music library of The Finnish Broadcasting Company etc.). In addition, all the relevant printed music publications have been

List of compositions by Erkki Melartin

This is a comprehensive list of compositions by Erkki Melartin. The works have been listed systematically. Within each group there are first works with opus number and then the works with an EM code. All the works with opus number have been published, if not specified otherwise. Most of the works with code EM are unpublished, and only the publishing information has been given. All information is based on the newest work catalog (December 2016). The work catalog is based on the archival material and manuscripts in several Finnish libraries and music archives (The National Library, The Library of Sibelius Academy, The library and archive of Sibelius Museum in Turku, the music library of The Finnish Broadcasting Company etc.). In addition, all the relevant printed music publications have been