List of school districts in Monterey County, California

List of school districts in Monterey County, California On February 27, 2008, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell placed several school districts in the county in their list of school districts that need help due to the school's failure to raise their Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Results under the No Child Left Behind Act for the past five years. 1 These districts were placed under "Moderate" help by the Governor. 2 This district was placed under "Intensive" help by the Governor.

List of school districts in Monterey County, California

List of school districts in Monterey County, California On February 27, 2008, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell placed several school districts in the county in their list of school districts that need help due to the school's failure to raise their Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Results under the No Child Left Behind Act for the past five years. 1 These districts were placed under "Moderate" help by the Governor. 2 This district was placed under "Intensive" help by the Governor.