List of writing occupations

This is a list of writing occupations organized alphabetically. These are positions, jobs and occupations that typically entail creative, entertaining or informational writing. * Author * Blogger * Book coach * Commissioning editor * Copy editor * Creative consultant * Dog writer * Freelancer * Ghostwriter * Griot * Hack writer * Infopreneur * Journalist * Literary editor * Manuscript format * Medical writing * Novelist * Poet * Polygraph (author) * Review * Screenwriter * Scribe * Script coordinator * Script doctor * Scrivener * Songwriter * Speechwriter * Staff writer * Technical writer * Website content writer * Writer

List of writing occupations

This is a list of writing occupations organized alphabetically. These are positions, jobs and occupations that typically entail creative, entertaining or informational writing. * Author * Blogger * Book coach * Commissioning editor * Copy editor * Creative consultant * Dog writer * Freelancer * Ghostwriter * Griot * Hack writer * Infopreneur * Journalist * Literary editor * Manuscript format * Medical writing * Novelist * Poet * Polygraph (author) * Review * Screenwriter * Scribe * Script coordinator * Script doctor * Scrivener * Songwriter * Speechwriter * Staff writer * Technical writer * Website content writer * Writer