Little Forest

Little Forest (リトル・フォレスト, Ritoru Foresuto) is a Japanese slice of life manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Igarashi. It was adapted into a two-part Japanese live action film released on August 30, 2014 and on February 14, 2015. Part 1 film "Little Forest: Summer/Autumn" was screened in the Culinary Zinema (Film and gastronomy) section at the 2014 San Sebastián International Film Festival, part 2 film "Little Forest: Winter/Spring" was screened in the Kulinarisches Kino (Culinary Cinema) section at the 2015 Berlin International Film Festival. It was also adapted into a Korean live action film which released on February 28, 2018, and into a South Korean TV series which premiered on August 12, 2019.

Little Forest

Little Forest (リトル・フォレスト, Ritoru Foresuto) is a Japanese slice of life manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Igarashi. It was adapted into a two-part Japanese live action film released on August 30, 2014 and on February 14, 2015. Part 1 film "Little Forest: Summer/Autumn" was screened in the Culinary Zinema (Film and gastronomy) section at the 2014 San Sebastián International Film Festival, part 2 film "Little Forest: Winter/Spring" was screened in the Kulinarisches Kino (Culinary Cinema) section at the 2015 Berlin International Film Festival. It was also adapted into a Korean live action film which released on February 28, 2018, and into a South Korean TV series which premiered on August 12, 2019.