Liz DiFiore

Liz DiFiore is a New Zealand film and television producer, best known for her work on New Zealand drama productions, including features and short films. She has worked on over 50 local and international productions spanning genres such as drama, reality TV, documentary, and comedy. Born in New York, to New Zealand parents, in recent years, DiFiore worked as Unit Production Manager on several feature films including Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid. She also worked on the multi-Emmy nominated Ike: Countdown to D-Day, and in , Lucy, and Blood Crime.

Liz DiFiore

Liz DiFiore is a New Zealand film and television producer, best known for her work on New Zealand drama productions, including features and short films. She has worked on over 50 local and international productions spanning genres such as drama, reality TV, documentary, and comedy. Born in New York, to New Zealand parents, in recent years, DiFiore worked as Unit Production Manager on several feature films including Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid. She also worked on the multi-Emmy nominated Ike: Countdown to D-Day, and in , Lucy, and Blood Crime.