
Llanvabon (also known as Llanfabon) is an area and former parish in South Wales. As described in 1849, it comprised two hamlets, in the union of Merthyr Tydfil, hundred of Caerphilly, county of Glamorgan, 9 miles (S. S. E.) from Merthyr Tydfil; containing 1449 inhabitants. A Topographical Dictionary of Wales (1849) described it as follows: The area is now part of the current parish of Nelson, and part of the borough of Caerphilly. The population of Nelson is 4,647 though a figure for Llanvabon is not available.


Llanvabon (also known as Llanfabon) is an area and former parish in South Wales. As described in 1849, it comprised two hamlets, in the union of Merthyr Tydfil, hundred of Caerphilly, county of Glamorgan, 9 miles (S. S. E.) from Merthyr Tydfil; containing 1449 inhabitants. A Topographical Dictionary of Wales (1849) described it as follows: The area is now part of the current parish of Nelson, and part of the borough of Caerphilly. The population of Nelson is 4,647 though a figure for Llanvabon is not available.