Loes Hundred

Loes was a hundred of Suffolk, with an area of 31,321 acres (126.75 km2). Loes Hundred was long and thin in shape, around 15 miles (24 km) long and between 2 and 6 miles (9.7 km) wide. It followed the course of the River Deben from Cretingham to Ufford where it crossed Wilford Hundred to Woodbridge where it widened considerably. The town and port of Woodbridge fell within the hundred but was detached from the main part by about three miles (5 km). Loes was bounded on the east by Plomesgate Hundred, on the north by Hoxne Hundred, and on the west and south west by Thredling, Carlford and Wilford Hundreds.

Loes Hundred

Loes was a hundred of Suffolk, with an area of 31,321 acres (126.75 km2). Loes Hundred was long and thin in shape, around 15 miles (24 km) long and between 2 and 6 miles (9.7 km) wide. It followed the course of the River Deben from Cretingham to Ufford where it crossed Wilford Hundred to Woodbridge where it widened considerably. The town and port of Woodbridge fell within the hundred but was detached from the main part by about three miles (5 km). Loes was bounded on the east by Plomesgate Hundred, on the north by Hoxne Hundred, and on the west and south west by Thredling, Carlford and Wilford Hundreds.