Logan's raid

Logan's raid was a military expedition in October, 1786 by under General Benjamin Logan against several Shawnee towns along the Little Miami and Mad Rivers in Ohio Country. The villages were occupied primarily by noncombatants, since most warriors had left to defend the villages of Chief Little Turtle from a separate force moving up the Wabash River under the command of General George Rogers Clark. Logan seized and burned thirteen villages (full of mostly women and children), destroying the food supplies and killing or capturing many, including the aged Chief Moluntha who was soon murdered by one of Logan's men, reportedly in retaliation for the Battle of Blue Licks in the American Revolutionary War.

Logan's raid

Logan's raid was a military expedition in October, 1786 by under General Benjamin Logan against several Shawnee towns along the Little Miami and Mad Rivers in Ohio Country. The villages were occupied primarily by noncombatants, since most warriors had left to defend the villages of Chief Little Turtle from a separate force moving up the Wabash River under the command of General George Rogers Clark. Logan seized and burned thirteen villages (full of mostly women and children), destroying the food supplies and killing or capturing many, including the aged Chief Moluntha who was soon murdered by one of Logan's men, reportedly in retaliation for the Battle of Blue Licks in the American Revolutionary War.