Logic Lane

Logic Lane is a small historic cobbled lane that runs through University College in Oxford, England, so called because it was the location of a school of logicians. It links the High Street at the front of the college with Merton Street to the rear, which is also cobbled. Logic Lane covered bridge is a short covered bridge over the lane at the High Street end.To the west of the lane are the Radcliffe Quad and the Master's Lodgings. To the east are the 1903 Durham Buildings (on the High Street) and the Goodhart Quad. The lane is locked at night (usually at a time earlier than that advertised on the signs at either end of the lane), with gates at each end. It is mainly used by pedestrians, but vehicular access is possible.

Logic Lane

Logic Lane is a small historic cobbled lane that runs through University College in Oxford, England, so called because it was the location of a school of logicians. It links the High Street at the front of the college with Merton Street to the rear, which is also cobbled. Logic Lane covered bridge is a short covered bridge over the lane at the High Street end.To the west of the lane are the Radcliffe Quad and the Master's Lodgings. To the east are the 1903 Durham Buildings (on the High Street) and the Goodhart Quad. The lane is locked at night (usually at a time earlier than that advertised on the signs at either end of the lane), with gates at each end. It is mainly used by pedestrians, but vehicular access is possible.