Logical NOR

In boolean logic, logical nor or joint denial is a truth-functional operator which produces a result that is the negation of logical or. That is, a sentence of the form (p NOR q) is true precisely when neither p nor q is true—i.e. when both of p and q are false. In grammar, nor is a coordinating conjunction. Other ways of notating include, P NOR Q, and "Xpq" (in Bocheński notation).It is logically equivalent to , where the symbol signifies OR and signifies the negation.

Logical NOR

In boolean logic, logical nor or joint denial is a truth-functional operator which produces a result that is the negation of logical or. That is, a sentence of the form (p NOR q) is true precisely when neither p nor q is true—i.e. when both of p and q are false. In grammar, nor is a coordinating conjunction. Other ways of notating include, P NOR Q, and "Xpq" (in Bocheński notation).It is logically equivalent to , where the symbol signifies OR and signifies the negation.