Lohanipur torso

The Lohanipur torso is a damaged statue of polished sandstone, dated to the 3rd century BCE ~ 2nd century CE, found in Lohanipur village, a central Division of Patna, ancient Pataliputra, Bihar, India. There are some claims however for a later date (not earlier than the Kushana period), as well as of Graeco-Roman influence in the sculpting.The Lohanipur torso is thought to represent a Jaina Tirthankara.

Lohanipur torso

The Lohanipur torso is a damaged statue of polished sandstone, dated to the 3rd century BCE ~ 2nd century CE, found in Lohanipur village, a central Division of Patna, ancient Pataliputra, Bihar, India. There are some claims however for a later date (not earlier than the Kushana period), as well as of Graeco-Roman influence in the sculpting.The Lohanipur torso is thought to represent a Jaina Tirthankara.