Lotten Edholm

Lovisa Christina Charlotta "Lotten" Edholm or af Edholm, née von Heijne (18 April 1839 - 12 July 1930) was a Swedish composer and a pioneer within the Swedish Red Cross. She was born to the nobleman Georg Fredrik von Heijne-Lillienberg and Juliana Charlotta Silfverstolpe, and married (1831-1913), physician to the king, in 1867. She served as hovfröken (maid of honour) to the queen dowager Josephine in 1865-67. In 1919, she published her memoirs, Från barndom till ålderdom (From Childhood to Old Age).

Lotten Edholm

Lovisa Christina Charlotta "Lotten" Edholm or af Edholm, née von Heijne (18 April 1839 - 12 July 1930) was a Swedish composer and a pioneer within the Swedish Red Cross. She was born to the nobleman Georg Fredrik von Heijne-Lillienberg and Juliana Charlotta Silfverstolpe, and married (1831-1913), physician to the king, in 1867. She served as hovfröken (maid of honour) to the queen dowager Josephine in 1865-67. In 1919, she published her memoirs, Från barndom till ålderdom (From Childhood to Old Age).