Louis I of Chalon-Arlay

Louis I of Chalon-Arlay (1337–1366) was the second son of John II lord of Arlay and Margaret of Male. When his father died in 1362, his elder brother Hugh II lord of Arlay inherited the Lordship of Arlay and Louis became Lord of Arguel and Ciuseaux. Louis I died in 1366, in the siege of Mesembria (now in Bulgaria), during the Savoyard crusade, lead by Amadeus VI of Savoy

Louis I of Chalon-Arlay

Louis I of Chalon-Arlay (1337–1366) was the second son of John II lord of Arlay and Margaret of Male. When his father died in 1362, his elder brother Hugh II lord of Arlay inherited the Lordship of Arlay and Louis became Lord of Arguel and Ciuseaux. Louis I died in 1366, in the siege of Mesembria (now in Bulgaria), during the Savoyard crusade, lead by Amadeus VI of Savoy