Lounès Matoub

Lounès Matoub (Kabyle: Lwennas Meɛṭub; Berber languages: ⵍⵡⴻⵏⵏⴰⵙ ⵎⴻⵄⵟⵓⴱ or ⵎⴻⵄⵜⵓⴱ or ⵎⵄⵟⵓⴱ ⵍⵓⵏⵉⵙ) (January 24, 1956 – June 25, 1998) was a famous Algerian AmaziɣKabylian singer, poet, thinker who sparked an intellectual revolution, and mandole player who was a prominent advocate of the Berber cause, human rights and secularism in Algeria throughout his life.

Lounès Matoub

Lounès Matoub (Kabyle: Lwennas Meɛṭub; Berber languages: ⵍⵡⴻⵏⵏⴰⵙ ⵎⴻⵄⵟⵓⴱ or ⵎⴻⵄⵜⵓⴱ or ⵎⵄⵟⵓⴱ ⵍⵓⵏⵉⵙ) (January 24, 1956 – June 25, 1998) was a famous Algerian AmaziɣKabylian singer, poet, thinker who sparked an intellectual revolution, and mandole player who was a prominent advocate of the Berber cause, human rights and secularism in Algeria throughout his life.