Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink

Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink is a 1931 poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, written during the Great Depression. The poem was included in her collection Fatal Interview, a sequence of 52 sonnets, appearing alongside other sonnets such as "I dreamed I moved among the Elysian fields," and "Love me no more, now let the god depart," rejoicing in romantic language and vulnerability. These sonnets depict the love affair from a woman's perspective which chronicles her first attraction, consummation, and sorrow at breaking up. Many of the poems make generous use of imagery in Renaissance love sonnets, and uses a medieval setting in some to complement these references.

Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink

Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drink is a 1931 poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, written during the Great Depression. The poem was included in her collection Fatal Interview, a sequence of 52 sonnets, appearing alongside other sonnets such as "I dreamed I moved among the Elysian fields," and "Love me no more, now let the god depart," rejoicing in romantic language and vulnerability. These sonnets depict the love affair from a woman's perspective which chronicles her first attraction, consummation, and sorrow at breaking up. Many of the poems make generous use of imagery in Renaissance love sonnets, and uses a medieval setting in some to complement these references.