Love Me (Lee Jung-hyun album)

Love Me (Chinese: 千面女孩) is Korean popstress Lee Jung Hyun's debut Mandarin studio album and her eighth album release. It was released on 11 March 2008 by Ocean Butterflies International. The album features "千面女孩" (Girl With a Thousand Faces), composed by Yoon Il Sang, and the Chinese cover of "A Perfect Man's Code" and songs from her 2006 K-pop album Fantastic Girl.

Love Me (Lee Jung-hyun album)

Love Me (Chinese: 千面女孩) is Korean popstress Lee Jung Hyun's debut Mandarin studio album and her eighth album release. It was released on 11 March 2008 by Ocean Butterflies International. The album features "千面女孩" (Girl With a Thousand Faces), composed by Yoon Il Sang, and the Chinese cover of "A Perfect Man's Code" and songs from her 2006 K-pop album Fantastic Girl.