Low arousal approach

The Low Arousal Approach was developed by Professor Andrew McDonnell in the 1990s, and is now an internationally recognized model of behavior support. A low arousal approach to managing behavior of concern or challenging behavior focuses on stress and well-being, as well as how care givers respond in moments of crisis. Arousal refers to physiological arousal (e.g. heart rate) in response to stress, as opposed to sexual arousal. A low arousal approach to supporting individuals with additional needs aims to avoid confrontational situations and instead walk the path of least resistance.

Low arousal approach

The Low Arousal Approach was developed by Professor Andrew McDonnell in the 1990s, and is now an internationally recognized model of behavior support. A low arousal approach to managing behavior of concern or challenging behavior focuses on stress and well-being, as well as how care givers respond in moments of crisis. Arousal refers to physiological arousal (e.g. heart rate) in response to stress, as opposed to sexual arousal. A low arousal approach to supporting individuals with additional needs aims to avoid confrontational situations and instead walk the path of least resistance.