Lubrizol factory fire in Rouen

On September 26, 2019, the Lubrizol chemical products plant and warehouses of Normandie Logistique in Rouen caught fire; the plant synthesizes and stores chemical products (phosphorus and organosulfur compounds) intended for use as lubricant additives. Because of the toxic nature of the chemicals it produces, the site is covered by the Seveso-III Directive. The direct economic consequences resulted from companies partially ceasing their activity and farmers that had to destroy their harvests. A parliamentary fact-finding mission was launched, and legal proceedings were initiated.

Lubrizol factory fire in Rouen

On September 26, 2019, the Lubrizol chemical products plant and warehouses of Normandie Logistique in Rouen caught fire; the plant synthesizes and stores chemical products (phosphorus and organosulfur compounds) intended for use as lubricant additives. Because of the toxic nature of the chemicals it produces, the site is covered by the Seveso-III Directive. The direct economic consequences resulted from companies partially ceasing their activity and farmers that had to destroy their harvests. A parliamentary fact-finding mission was launched, and legal proceedings were initiated.