Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil

Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil is an American adult computer-animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. It was created and directed by Loren Bouchard, produced by Williams Street with Loren Bouchard L.L.C. and Fluid Animation. The show starred Melissa Bardin Galsky as Lucy, the daughter of the Devil, who is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin. It was the first Adult Swim series to feature a female protagonist.

Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil

Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil is an American adult computer-animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. It was created and directed by Loren Bouchard, produced by Williams Street with Loren Bouchard L.L.C. and Fluid Animation. The show starred Melissa Bardin Galsky as Lucy, the daughter of the Devil, who is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin. It was the first Adult Swim series to feature a female protagonist.