Ludwig Schemann

Karl Ludwig Schemann (born October 16, 1852 in Cologne, died February 13, 1938 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was a German translator and race theorist. He promoted anti-Semitism and was instrumental in promoting Gobinism to Germany. He "did a great deal to bring Gobineau's term 'Aryan' into vogue amongst German racists".

Ludwig Schemann

Karl Ludwig Schemann (born October 16, 1852 in Cologne, died February 13, 1938 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was a German translator and race theorist. He promoted anti-Semitism and was instrumental in promoting Gobinism to Germany. He "did a great deal to bring Gobineau's term 'Aryan' into vogue amongst German racists".