Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz

Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Liudvikas Tiškevičius; 1748 – 26 June 1808) was a Polish–Lithuanian nobleman (szlachcic) and Field Lithuanian Hetman from 1780 to 1791, Great Lithuanian Treasurer from 1791, Great Lithuanian Marshal from 1793. Member of the Targowica Confederation. In 1764, as an envoy from the Trakai Voivodeship he was an elector for Stanisław August Poniatowski, whose niece Konstancja Poniatowska, the daughter of Prince Kazimierz Poniatowski, he married in Warsaw on 4 April 1775. Their daughter Anna married Count Aleksander Stanisław Potocki.

Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz

Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz (Lithuanian: Liudvikas Tiškevičius; 1748 – 26 June 1808) was a Polish–Lithuanian nobleman (szlachcic) and Field Lithuanian Hetman from 1780 to 1791, Great Lithuanian Treasurer from 1791, Great Lithuanian Marshal from 1793. Member of the Targowica Confederation. In 1764, as an envoy from the Trakai Voivodeship he was an elector for Stanisław August Poniatowski, whose niece Konstancja Poniatowska, the daughter of Prince Kazimierz Poniatowski, he married in Warsaw on 4 April 1775. Their daughter Anna married Count Aleksander Stanisław Potocki.