Lugh Delbáeth

Lugh Delbáeth is a legendary figure mentioned by James Hardiman as a prehistoric settler in what is now County Galway. Hardiman states: "About this period, some of the descendants of Luig Dealbhaodh, son of Cos, king of North Munster, settled in the territory of Delvin Feadha, in Tirdaloch, to the west of Galway."

Lugh Delbáeth

Lugh Delbáeth is a legendary figure mentioned by James Hardiman as a prehistoric settler in what is now County Galway. Hardiman states: "About this period, some of the descendants of Luig Dealbhaodh, son of Cos, king of North Munster, settled in the territory of Delvin Feadha, in Tirdaloch, to the west of Galway."