Luke Tan

Luke Tan (born 1977), alias Michael Luchtan, is a country singer and songwriter. His songs are generally on the topics of life and death, the sadness of separation, and the despair of misfits. He criticizes society for hypocrisy and materialism. One of his songs was selected by Neil Young for a compilation of anti-war songs. In 2007 he released a serialized multi-media project over the internet in association with the street newspaper Street Roots called "Ghosts In The Flophouse". He is currently the director for the Asheville Tango Orchestra.

Luke Tan

Luke Tan (born 1977), alias Michael Luchtan, is a country singer and songwriter. His songs are generally on the topics of life and death, the sadness of separation, and the despair of misfits. He criticizes society for hypocrisy and materialism. One of his songs was selected by Neil Young for a compilation of anti-war songs. In 2007 he released a serialized multi-media project over the internet in association with the street newspaper Street Roots called "Ghosts In The Flophouse". He is currently the director for the Asheville Tango Orchestra.