Lycée Racine

The lycée Racine is a public school in the located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. It consists of a lycée as well as BTS assistant manager and BTS bank staff courses. It takes the name of Jean Racine, playwright and historiographer to the King. The main site is served by the métro stations of Saint-Lazare, Saint-Augustin and Europe. The second site (Naples) is served by the stations Villiers, Europe and Miromesnil.

Lycée Racine

The lycée Racine is a public school in the located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. It consists of a lycée as well as BTS assistant manager and BTS bank staff courses. It takes the name of Jean Racine, playwright and historiographer to the King. The main site is served by the métro stations of Saint-Lazare, Saint-Augustin and Europe. The second site (Naples) is served by the stations Villiers, Europe and Miromesnil.