Más sabe el diablo

Más Sabe el Diablo (Literally "The Devil Knows More", "Falling Angel" in English-speaking markets) is a successful Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo. This melodrama features lovers embroiled in intrigue, betrayal, vengeance and unbridled passion. It stars Gaby Espino, Jencarlos Canela and Miguel Varoni. Telemundo says that about 1 million people tuned in each weeknight.

Más sabe el diablo

Más Sabe el Diablo (Literally "The Devil Knows More", "Falling Angel" in English-speaking markets) is a successful Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo. This melodrama features lovers embroiled in intrigue, betrayal, vengeance and unbridled passion. It stars Gaby Espino, Jencarlos Canela and Miguel Varoni. Telemundo says that about 1 million people tuned in each weeknight.