
Mírovka (German: Grund Bach) is a creek in Šumperk District, Moravia, right tributary of the Morava river. Its length is 20,2 km and its drainage basin covers 49.6 km2. The mean annual discharge at its mouth is 0.25 m³/s. The Mírovka originates near Maletín village, 400 meters above sea level. Moravičanské jezero (literally Moravičany lake) is in a neighborhood of the creek mouth. This manmade lake, which is a consequence of a sand mining, is widely used for recreation and fishery. It occupies about 90 ha.


Mírovka (German: Grund Bach) is a creek in Šumperk District, Moravia, right tributary of the Morava river. Its length is 20,2 km and its drainage basin covers 49.6 km2. The mean annual discharge at its mouth is 0.25 m³/s. The Mírovka originates near Maletín village, 400 meters above sea level. Moravičanské jezero (literally Moravičany lake) is in a neighborhood of the creek mouth. This manmade lake, which is a consequence of a sand mining, is widely used for recreation and fishery. It occupies about 90 ha.