Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Barbara

Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Barbara is a c.1520 oil on panel painting by the Master of Hoogstraeten, an anonymous Antwerp master active between around 1490 and 1530. It is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Long attributed to Hugo van der Goes (an attribution strongly opposed by Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle), it was later reattributed to Civetta and finally received its present attribution in 1929 thanks to research by Max Friedländer, who compared it to a work in the Benda collection in Vienna.

Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Barbara

Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Barbara is a c.1520 oil on panel painting by the Master of Hoogstraeten, an anonymous Antwerp master active between around 1490 and 1530. It is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Long attributed to Hugo van der Goes (an attribution strongly opposed by Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle), it was later reattributed to Civetta and finally received its present attribution in 1929 thanks to research by Max Friedländer, who compared it to a work in the Benda collection in Vienna.