Magical Power from Mars

Magical Power from Mars is an album by Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O., released in 2003 by Important Records. Three of the tracks, Ziggy Sitar Dust Raga, Diamond Doggy Peggy and Cosmic Funky Dolly, were originally released by Important Records as separate 3" CD singles, but were later combined into this album, with the bonus track, Aladdin Kane.

Magical Power from Mars

Magical Power from Mars is an album by Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O., released in 2003 by Important Records. Three of the tracks, Ziggy Sitar Dust Raga, Diamond Doggy Peggy and Cosmic Funky Dolly, were originally released by Important Records as separate 3" CD singles, but were later combined into this album, with the bonus track, Aladdin Kane.